Julia Collins sitting

Easy Like Sunday Lunch with Julia Collins

We’ve always been pretty crazy about Julia Collins, but now she’s told us about her Sunday home rituals, we love her even more. Get ready for delicious slow roasted lamb shoulder, campy black and white Hollywood classics, and some cracking recommendations! 

At LAMP LDN we know the value of time spent at home – creating memories with family and loved ones or enjoying quiet moments alone — sitting around the table to share a meal, pottering around in the garden, endless lists of DIY and, if we’re lucky, long baths with a favourite book.

Our Easy Like Sunday Lunch series gives us five minutes to share a cup of tea on a Sunday morning with someone we admire, as they talk us through their rituals for a Sunday at home. Each of our Sunday hosts shares our passion for creating beautiful and loved spaces.  

This Easy Like Sunday Lunch is hosted by Julia Collins, founder of Collins & Green Art, and a longtime friend and collaborator of LAMP LDN. Julia sources all kinds of wonderful artworks, and we’ve always admired her expert eye — her ability to find exquisite and rare pieces, and to match a client to their perfect painting. 

Tell us about your love for art - when did you realise that art would be your passion? 

I’m not quite sure when my passion for art started, but I know it’s been a key part of my life for a long time. My mother was quite strict and I have a very strong memory of sticking pages torn from a magazine onto the inside of my cupboard doors while she was away in France. I expected to be reprimanded but in fact she approved, and I continued on all the walls. My friends used to tease me as there were no Bay City Rollers or Marc Bolan, but Van Gogh and Pollock instead, so maybe that’s where it all started?   

Wall of framed paintings

Talk us through your ideal Sunday at home?

My ideal Sunday starts with a cup of coffee reading the papers. I make sure it’s in a lovely cup on a bright tray; all part of the waking up process. Then it’s a quick walk round the park with the dogs or maybe a yoga class.

Sometimes Ill head over to the Elder Press Café and meet my son for brunch. (Id love to meet my daughter too but shes in Liverpool, so thats a bit trickier). Its close to the river, so we can then walk into town to see an exhibition or visit a museum. I love having a wander round the V & A; the Medieval and Renaissance Galleries are my favourites as I spent so much time there when I did my History of Art Masters. Its also one of the quieter parts, so its easy to see some of my favourite objects up close. Then it’s home for a late lunch.

Julia with her two dogs

Talk us through the lunch - what’s on the menu? 

I love gathering people for a 3 o’clock roast shoulder of lamb. I put it in the oven before going out so it’s ready and delicious for when we get back. I like it slow cooked, sprinkled with pomegranate seeds and coriander, with some soft roasted, very garlicky potatoes and a simple green salad. Then a board with a couple of nice bits of cheese and a pudding, maybe a crumble or a pear and almond tart. In summer I’d just have mounds of different salads served in lovely big bowls and we go and sit in my tiny green garden.

Reading a magazine with coffee

Whats your Sunday hosting essential, and any tips for someone new to entertaining at home? 

My Sunday hosting essentials…..time….to faff and relax, good coffee, easy conversation, music, usually my old CDs of opera and soul, and a big pile of Sunday papers. 

Do you have a favourite Sunday lunch memory from your childhood? 

My favourite childhood Sunday lunch is a pretty conventional roast chicken with all the delicious English bits and pieces that go with it; roasties, bread sauce and mounds of vegetables. I was one of four children and I have very vivid memories of fighting over the wishbone! It was always followed by a scrumptious a French apple tarte.

Painting in frames stacked on floor

Sunday Lunch Quick Fire Round

Best place for a Sunday roast (pub or restaurant?)

A plate of oysters at Sam’s Riverside on a sunny day or a fabulous country pub. I grew up in Kent and love visiting some of its medieval churches, and then having a good pub lunch. Shepherd Neame has a great pub in Eastling, The George, which does a very good Sunday lunch and is right next to the church!

Favourite Sunday afternoon movie

It would have to be a black and white Hollywood classic. My absolute favourite is Now Voyager with Bette Davis and Paul Heinrich, always accompanied by a large handkerchief. I can’t tell you how many times I have watched it; it remains one of the most romantic films ever and I usually weep from start to finish. Another favourite is The Nun’s Story

Favourite vintage market or shop 

Lolapalooza in Ripley, run by my friend Julie. And then, a bit further afield, Found by Sasha Wilkins, in her barn in the depths of the Cotswolds.

Your washing up playlist

Lots of soul and funk…..gets the job done much more quickly and new research shows a bit of dancing is as good for you as a run.

The last book you devoured

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver, which is un-put-downable. I’m currently reading an old favourite, Frenchmans Creek by Daphne du Maurier.

Your favourite item from our current collection at LAMP LDN:

More of your fabulous Splatterware ceramics. I’ve got lots of the green already, which I love, but always have my eye on more!

You can follow Julia Collins on Instagram

Hand pouring wine into glass with striped pink bowl on garden table